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Delhi House - Ray Jourdan

What an awesome privilege it is to continue to partner with you in

reaching out to the lost and broken in the crazy city of Delhi, India! With a

population that swells to more than 20million people during the day, it is

not difficult to find people in need. The challenge is, and continues to be,

fighting the overwhelm of being faced with so much need with the

available resources in our care.


Back in 2015 during a team meeting in India I wrote down the following

words that would help shape our work moving forward and the tough

decisions we would have to make: 

Community, Permanence, Proximity & Discipleship. 

I don’t have the space to unpack that fully here, but suffice to say,

we have made significant progress to living this out, which is

exciting! We had been struggling with the work in Old Delhi on

several fronts that included the frequent change of the local

government nominated NGO and the transient nature of the

community living there. Building community with these

conditions has been very difficult. We kept getting moved

between the temporary government buildings each time a new

NGO was appointed (no permanence). Our team did not live close

to the community, so it was difficult for them to do life with the

community (no proximity). And, with the transient nature of the

community, we found it difficult to establish deep relationships

(no discipleship).

But we didn’t want to leave…. Then last year, with the ever

expansion of Delhi and the construction work that goes with it,

the area of Meena Bazaar became effected. We no longer had a

place to work. We were faced with tough decisions and leaned on

God, and as usual he was gracious enough to lead the way. We

rallied, began to dream, and painted the picture of what the

future would look like. We wanted a permanent place with

proximity to where we already had community and did life. We

wanted to be able to do life with the community daily. We wanted

to invest in lives, build deep relationship and be invited to

disciple…. And so, we have started the journey of building a

‘community hub’ in Narela, where Delhi House Society has been

working since 2000. The community hub will be:

- A place of blessing, taking in the poorest of the poor and caring

for them and loving them unconditionally - regardless of religion,

creed, caste or gender.

- A place that gives them access to the tools needed to live

restored and dignified lives.

- A place where people are strengthened and empowered, and

where broken lives and families are restored.

- A place that is known to stand against injustice and is a voice

for the voiceless.

A place for God’s ecclesia to gather and be the difference… to surprise the world! The community we have served over the years in Meena Bazaar are included in this next phase of the work as we
partner with them to relocate to where the new community hub will be built.


The vision remains strong as we start construction works on the new Delhi Learning Centre. We are still busy feeding kids, running our classes and nurturing the relationships. We are also busy praying and planning for the things ahead. It’s a big vision and we’re grateful for the partnership.

To view the plans for the Delhi Learning
Center, please click on the PDF link. 


Keshav & Mohini

Keshav and Mohini lead the work of Delhi House Society. They were church planters over in Surinam before joining Delhi House. Both have Masters Degrees in Social Work. They have a strong calling to the work of Delhi House and are committed to the vision and mission. They started with Delhi House Society in 2010 when I was still based in India and I invested significant time with them in developing the leadership and the vision. Mohini is actively involved in ministering to the women and children.

Faniel & Neelam

Faniel has a strong pastoral calling. He is actively pastoring in his local church as well as pastoring the Sewa Ashram community. He has his Bachelor of Theology and Masters in Social Work. He married Neelam a couple of years ago and they have their first child. Faniel is pivotal in the ongoing pastoring of the community and developing the ‘community hub’.

New Learning Director

We are looking for an experienced ‘non-traditional’ educator to assist us in developing the learning program at the community hub. This person needs to be:

  • A strong believer

  • Someone who is not afraid to go against the tide and brave enough to pioneer new ways to use the education domain to create opportunities for discipleship.

  • Have a strong Kingdom mindset.

  • Experienced in building innovative learning programs.

Consistency - Community - Discipleship


The city of Narela is quickly growing to be another sub-city of Delhi. There has been significant development of the land around Sewa Ashram, with 100’s of apartments built. This is seeing a growing middle class move into the area. This creates great opportunity for Sewa Ashram as it is well positioned and recognised in the community with the work starting in 1997. Consistently serving the poor and the wider community of Narela over the years. The dream moving forward and the reason why we exist is to:

- Develop leadership that carries apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral and teaching giftings to build, nurture and grow a healthy, thriving community, that experiences the fullness of God’s promises today in the city of Narela.

- A community that live lives of influence in the wider community and organically see God connect with people.

- To create a ‘community hub’ that creates opportunities for connection. Connection through:

  • Learning Programs

  • Vocational Training

  • Meeting Place – café & bakery

  • Source of blessing – providing support to families

- Training and equipping the team around the transformational learning model:

  • Information/Knowledge

  • Revelation – light bulb moment

  • Believe – act on the revelation despite your current reality

  • Manifestation - truth catches reality

  • Transformation – no going back!


- Training and equipping the local team

- Conference: Youth - Power of the Journey

- Skills and vocational training

- Assist the local team with establishing cafe, bakery, and building works. 

Bethel Church Melbourne
Bethel Church Melbourne
Bethel Church Melbourne
Bethel Church Melbourne

Sunday's at 10AM
50 Tootal Rd. Dingley Village


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Echo Church

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